Make me Sustainable (yoo-hoo)!!!

Being an architect by profession..I came across this interesting(??) piece of conversation with a certain prefer calling that certain someone "It". Designing sustainable buildings and studying different ways to make one; my mind has become one tracked with the word....hopefully not after this any more!
I: "Sustain what?"
It: " My essence.."
I: " But you have many ...which one or all of them?"
It: " I have different aspects.....essence is only one..."
I: "Means...."
It: " Aspects may change, but those changes should not change the essence"
I(arching eyebrows): " mmm.....hmmm..."
It: " you don't look or sound convinced."
I : ".................."
It: " Essence does not have a form, it is timeless, its the ultimate truth,
Searching for essence as what endures of an object apart from its accidental and
sensational properties derives from the need of the human mind to find something
stable, immutable in the ever-changing world, to ensure that there is
something that remains of the perishable appearances of an object. Although it
can be doubted whether we can ever cogently separate a thing from its properties,
the idea of the constancy of things can also explain the very possibility to
perceive objects in spite of visual distortions."
Searching for essence as what endures of an object apart from its accidental and
sensational properties derives from the need of the human mind to find something
stable, immutable in the ever-changing world, to ensure that there is
something that remains of the perishable appearances of an object. Although it
can be doubted whether we can ever cogently separate a thing from its properties,
the idea of the constancy of things can also explain the very possibility to
perceive objects in spite of visual distortions."
I (fumbling): " mean according to the contemporary thinkers...the essence of a being simply is, independent from the question of existence. Essence is what-ness as distinct from that-ness. no more, no less.?" (looking at "It" to search for some facial expression)
It: You practise some religion or the like of it??
I(nod in affirmation):......
It: In understanding any individual personality, a distinction is made between one's own law of action(essence) and personality (mental habits and conditioning of ego personality). Latter is the nature of a person, which is a result of his or her impressions created in the mind due to one's interaction with the external world. These impressions create habits and mental models and these become our nature. While there is another kind of naturethat is a pure internal quality, we are here focusing only on the nature that was created due to impressions; because to discover the pure internal nature, one should become aware of one's impressions and take control over them.
The "higher truth" which is also referred as "Dharma" in Vedshastras is which holds an entity together. That is, which gives integrity to an entity and holds the core quality and identity (essence), form and function of that entity. It is also defined as righteousness and duty. To do one's dharma is to be righteous, to do one's dharma is to do one's duty (express one's essence)....
Now do you think you can make me sustainable.....?
I(excitedly) : yes yes!!( gleeful croaking continues) I want to!
It (exudes a "come hither" smile): Very Well then!
The rest of the story to be continued...............
Labels: appearance, aspect, buildings, coffee, essence, existentialism, hindu, sustainable
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